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Kindergarten and 1st-grade students will spend the month of April “getting loopy” in the computer lab! They will learn how a loop can help in coding when you want to repeat the same command over and over. They will complete coding puzzles with computer game characters and also learn how to make some simple designs using a loop.


Second-grade students will finish their loop coding puzzles before vacation. When they return from vacation, they will begin learning about events in coding and how simple computer games are created. 


This month third graders will also be learning about “Events” in coding. An event is an action that causes something to happen. They will learn how to program the “arrow buttons” on the keyboard so that when they press them it will move a character in the correct direction.   


Fourth grade students are taking a coding break and are completing the Be Internet Awesome curriculum. It wraps up with lessons on safe and practical researching. After vacation they will begin a research project on either Mexico or Canada. They will choose which country they would like to research, then they will complete a project of their choice to share with their classmates. This is a final project for our 4th graders that will show much of what they have learned this school year. 


Have a great month and a wonderful vacation week!


~Mrs. DiMascio

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