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Curriculum and Assessment

Goals and Skills for Computer 

Grades K, 1, & 2


∙ Introduce and develop basic skills for using hardware and applications.

∙ Name the parts of a computer system and develop an understanding of their basic functions.

∙ Become familiar with the keyboard and its functions and begin to   explore and develop basic keyboarding skills using the Keyboarding Without Tears web-based program

∙ Use basic tools in Seesaw.(grades K & 1)

∙ Use Clever to sign into their various learning platforms

∙ Follow classroom rules for the responsible use of computers, components, and iPads.

∙ Use age appropriate programs that support classroom learning

∙ Develop skills and use basic functions of Google Drive and Classroom (grade 2 only)


 Goals and Skills for Computer 

Grades 3 & 4

∙ Use correct terminology for components of a computer system and understand their basic functions

∙ Develop skills and use basic functions of Google Drive, Classroom, Docs, & Slides.

∙ Follow rules for safe and ethical internet use, including recognizing and preventing cyberbullying

∙ Create multimedia projects that use text, graphics, sound and animation

∙ Learn touch typing keyboarding skills using Keyboarding Without Tears  reaching goals of 15 WPM for 3rd Grade & 20 WPM for 4th Grade.

∙ Begin evaluating internet resources and use teacher selected web sites for projects and research

∙ Follow classroom rules for responsible use of computers and components

∙ Use grade appropriate programs and websites that support classroom instruction

Assessment-Grades K-2

B-Beginning to work on year-end grade level benchmarks

P-Progressing toward year-end grade level benchmarks

M-Meets year-end grade level benchmarks (completes skills with little assistance)

E-Exceeds year-end grade level benchmarks (completes skills independently)


Assessment-Grades 3 & 4

Students will receive a letter grade for computer class. They will be evaluated on projects and activities completed in the computer lab, and a quarterly test, as well as effort and participation. 

Students in grades 3 & 4 will be permitted and encouraged to use a flash drive to save their work and/or transfer school work between home and school.

Programs & Sites Used in the Computer Lab 

  • Clever

  • Seesaw

  • Google Drive, Classroom, Docs, & Slides

  • Keyboarding Without Tears

  • Lexia

  • Stationary Studio 

  • Digital Literacy-CommonSense Education (grades K-3 & Google Be Internet Awesome (grade 4)


  • CodeSpark Academy

  • Kodable

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